Grant of £10,000 to support ‘Paratha in the Park’ project
The Minority Communities Addictions Support Service (MCASS) have secured funding from the Merchants House to assist their work in helping individuals and their families affected by addiction within the minority communities.
This funding is specifically to support the ‘Paratha in the Park’ project. This peer support group is for older Black Minority Ethnic (BME) women to improve their health and wellbeing, social inclusion and self confidence, and to learn new skills. MCASS delivers weekly activities to support the women in achieving positive outcomes. This has included visits to museums, picnics and walks in parks around Glasgow, and various arts and crafts activities.

A picnic in the park
MCASS provide a tailored support service that addresses the struggles a person with substance misuse may have within the BME communities they come from, especially around, and not exclusively to, risk of being ostracised by the community, religious structures, and tainting the family honour.
They provide a confidential, multi-lingual, person centred approach. They offer counselling, training and recreational activities, run by staff members who come from a BME background and/or signpost to agencies that have an understanding of their cultural background and addiction concerns. MCASS aims to build skills and confidence, reduce isolation and improve integration- providing healthier, stronger and safer communities.

Block printing activity
Find out more about our grants on our website. If you would like to support us in making a difference to the lives of people across Glasgow and the West of Scotland, why not consider leaving a legacy?