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Lodging House Mission

The Lodging House Mission (LHM) relieves suffering and harm caused by homelessness, social exclusion and poverty in Glasgow.

The Merchants House has awarded grant funding of £5,000 to LHM to support their vital work.

They provide a safe, welcoming place where people whose lifestyles are often chaotic and lonely can access;

  • nourishing food
  • basic health care
  • advice and support for their many complex problems
  • relax and enjoy themselves
  • learn new skills and gain confidence
  • the Barras archway with 5 people standing beneath it


June MacLeod, manager at LHM said “The donation of £5000 from The Merchants House will allow us to continue to support the community’s most vulnerable.  Our purpose is to provide a safe and welcoming environment as well as a range of activities to suit all ages, and includes the provision of a varied menu.  We want people who use the service to feel a sense of belonging, to feel less stressed and less isolated.  Coming here gives people the opportunity to feel safer and healthier.”

To find out more about the project, please visit their website. 

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